Section: New Results


Model Driven Language Engineering

Participants : Benoit Baudry, Arnaud Blouin, Juan-Jose Cadavid Gomez, Benoit Combemale, Clément Guy, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Didier Vojtisek.

  • Model-Driven Engineering and Optimizing Compilers: A bridge too far? In this work, we report and analyze an experience about the use of MDE technologies to build and evolve compiler infrastructures in the optimizing compiler domain. From this study, we highlight challenges and propose a roadmap for the cross-fertilization of the MDE and compiler domains [35] , [45] .

  • Modeling Model Slicers: model slicing is a model operation that consists in extracting a subset of a model. Because the creation of a new DSL implies the creation from scratch of a new model slicer, we proposed the Kompren language that models and generates model slicers for any DSL [27] .

  • Empirical Evaluation of the Conjunct Use of MOF and OCL: we evaluate in this work the conjunct usage of MOF (Meta-Object Facility) and OCL (Object Constraint Language) in the development of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages. We observe the state of practice to understand how experts use them and find patterns on its usage, in order to provide techniques to improve the experience [29] .

Model Transformation and Composition

Participants : Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry, Arnaud Blouin, Mickaël Clavreul, Benoit Combemale, Xavier Dolques, Jean-Marc Jézéquel.

  • Model operations such as transformation and composition declare source metamodels that are usually larger than the set of concepts and relations actually used by the operation. We have proposed and validated a static operation analyzer to retrieve the metamodel footprint of the operation [37]

  • Service-Oriented Architecture Modeling: Bridging the Gap between Structure and Behavior: In this approach, we propose to detect divergences among structural and behavioral models to support a semi-automatic process of synchronization between class diagrams and workflow models [30] .

  • The paper propose a technique for discovering matchings between two model elements modeling the same system, but being instances of different metamodels. This is achieved by using property names and models structure thanks to the adaptation of a schema matching techique named AnchorPROMPT [32] .

  • Specifying and implementing UI Data Bindings with Active Operations: based on the concept of active operations, this work proposes a framework to bind models at runtime and more precisely to bind data and their possible representations [26] .

  • We propose a requirement-centric approach for Web service composition which allows: (i) modeling users' requirements with the MAP formalism and specifying required services using an Intentional Service Model (ISM); (ii) discovering and selecting relevant Web services and high QoS services; and (iv) generating automatically BPEL coordination processes by applying the model transformation technique [19] .